Care during COVID-19

Our Approach & FAQs

Despite the current difficult circumstances surrounding COVID-19, and the subsequent lockdown, at Hutton Park Care Home we are working hard to keep everything as normal as possible for residents.

The health, safety and wellbeing of our residents and staff are always our top priorities, and our team are working around the clock to continue to provide the high levels of care as expected of our home. We are pleased to remain free from COVID-19 at this time.

 While the world may have changed for the moment, the need for care and companionship has not, in particular when faced with isolation, loneliness and potential irregularity in care provision due to social distancing and lockdown restrictions. That is why throughout this time we have been continuing to welcome enquiries and safely admit new residents to our home.

 Here we have pulled together some answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions. However, we are always happy to answer any individual queries you may have: please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Do you currently have COVID-19 in your home?
We are all doing well, and are pleased to say we do not have COVID-19 in our home.

Do you have enough PPE?
Thanks to the continued support of individuals and companies from our local community, we have plenty of PPE, in addition to further supplies available should we need them.

Is my Mum able to see a Doctor if she needs one?
We can have telephone and virtual links with the GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and District Nurses.  If your Mum needs something which cannot be done over the phone or computer, the medical professional will attend the Home.  This includes taking blood for tests.  To note, the attending person will always be wearing full PPE, which can be unsettling.  A member of our staff stays with them throughout.   

I don’t want my Dad admitted to hospital, can he remain with you?
You will be involved in all decisions regarding your relative.  It is normal practice to only admit a resident to hospital if there is treatment available in hospital which cannot be delivered in the Home.  Each case is individual and would be discussed at the time.

Can I come and see Mum if she gets really ill?
This is a very individual question.  We will do our best to facilitate this for you, however it will depend on individual circumstances.

When will I be able to visit?
We are starting to plan how visiting will work when the lockdown is eased, and welcome suggestions from both residents and their families. To protect residents, it is likely that all visitors will need to wear masks and we encourage you to have these to hand as we will be unable to provide these to family members.

What is the process of bringing new residents into the home at this time?
Throughout this difficult time we will continue to safely admit residents, with procedures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our current residents and staff.  Every new resident is tested for COVID-19 prior to admission and must have a negative result before coming in.  Following admission they have a period of isolation, to ensure that there is no risk of potential transmission.

Are you able to meet residents beforehand to check that they are suitable for the home?
Every resident we admit has a Pre-admission Assessment completed, which is usually in conjunction with social work assessment.  If a new resident has been in hospital then we will also have a hospital based assessment completed.  Currently these assessments need to be completed over the phone, or via email.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our residents and their families for their continued support during this difficult time, in addition to the support of our local community in Largs. When lockdown eases we have no idea what might lie ahead, but we do know that we are all in this together.